My Journey to Motherhood

I thought of being a mom when I was younger, but I don't think I truly knew I wanted to become one until I met my husband. My husband was stationed overseas in Japan for the first two years of our marriage. Instead of constant letters back and forth, we kept a journal together, documenting important milestones, dreams, and ambitions for the future. We wrote about what our lives would look like when he finally came home and envisioned what our kids would look like, who they would become, and the fun things we would do with them.

Looking back, this journal is an amazing keepsake, filled with our hopes and dreams. But I also laugh because, on paper, we made it seem like becoming parents would be a breeze. Getting pregnant alone took years for us, and we started the process of figuring out "why." It turned out that sometimes things just take longer, something we were not prepared for. When we finally got pregnant, we were thrilled! But then came the questions: why didn't anyone tell me that this could happen?

It seemed like one thing after another, and the providers would just say, "Oh, it's because you're pregnant; that's normal." I remember thinking, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's normal for this much discharge to be coming out of my vagina? Why didn't anyone tell me about this part? Did I miss that in Sex Ed in high school? Do they even teach that?" This is just the beginning of some of my experiences, and I plan to share a lot more, along with questions or statements from other moms.

So, why do women experience excessive discharge during pregnancy? Well, let’s dive into this fun and somewhat mysterious topic. During pregnancy, your body goes through a multitude of changes to support your growing baby. One of these changes is an increase in the production of cervical mucus, also known as leukorrhea. This discharge helps keep the vagina clean and prevents infections by maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria. It's your body’s way of creating a protective barrier for your baby. So, yes, while it can be surprising and even a bit inconvenient (or convenient, depending on who you’re asking), it’s completely normal and actually a good sign that your body is doing what it’s supposed to do to keep you and your baby healthy.

Honestly, excessive discharge has been the first sign of pregnancy with all three of my births now. It’s one of those little-known facts that I wish someone had told me about earlier, but now I’m here to share it with you.

Stay tuned for more unspoken truths and real experiences from the world of motherhood. This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to share more of my journey with you.

Until next time,



Welcome to The Shit They Don’t Tell You